There are many questions surrounding acupuncture and Asian medicine.
Check the list of questions and answers below to see if some of your questions might be on the list. Of course, your practitioner will be available to answer any other questions that may arise.
What should I expect at my first appointment?
The first appointment is up to two hours long. You will sit in a comfortable chair and have a chat with your practitioner during the first hour or so. They will go over your medical history, listen to your symptoms, and ask extra questions to see which Chinese Medicine patterns that fit you. Once they have a handle on what you need, your treatment plan will be discussed and you can get on the table for your first treatment. Most people find acupuncture and HypnoPuncture so relaxing that they take a nap during the 30-minute resting period.
Does acupuncture hurt?
No! Acupuncture uses the smallest needles available, some as fine as the width of a human hair. Sometimes, a very small prick sensation is felt when the needle first pierces the skin, but this feeling lasts less than one second. Commonly, an aching sensation is felt after the needles are in, and this is a good feeling because this is the sensation of Qi (chi).
How does acupuncture work?
We have yet to know the exact scientific mechanism to explain how the acupuncture channel system works. However, we do know that the acupuncture channels are electrical networks that run along the muscle fascia system, which is why it is so effective in treating pain. We also know that the deeper channels used to treat internal issues such as regulating hormones, improving digestion, and improving mental health to name a few, are created in-utero with exciting research coming out of embryology. Some proven mechanisms of how acupuncture works are below:
Augments Immunity: acupuncture is proven to increase the white blood cell count, therefore increasing the body’s immune fighting capabilities.
Increases Circulation: acupuncture is proven to improve circulation in the limbs and brain, bringing new, healthy cells to the area to supply nutrients and clean up damaged tissue.
Increases Endorphins: acupuncture is proven to increase the release of endorphins that help decrease the perception of pain. Working out has this same effect, that’s why we can power through a tough workout and not feel a ton of pain.
Neurotransmitters: acupuncture has been proven to increase serotonin and dopamine production, which are major players in our mood and sleep regulation.
Gate Control Theory: acupuncture has been shown to interrupt the neurotransmission of pain and how pain is perceived. Basically, re-wiring the way the brain responds to pain.
What conditions can acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture has been proven to successfully treat almost all conditions. Many times, conditions that are considered "difficult to treat" with mainstream medicine can be successfully treated with acupuncture. To see a comprehensive list from the WHO, click here.

How many treatments will I need?
This answer will vary from patient to patient based on the symptoms and how chronic the condition is. Almost always, several treatments will be needed to see a significant improvement in the symptoms. Your practitioner will discuss with you during the free consultation how many treatments she thinks you will need. You should plan to commit to at least five to six treatments before leaving the treatment plan.
Can children get acupuncture?
Absolutely! Children can actually benefit much better from acupuncture than adults because their bodies have such strong internal resources already. Sometimes acupuncture isn't even necessary, and just gentle stimulation of the acu-points can improve the child's condition. We also offer laser acupuncture treatments for kids and other sensitive patients.
Do I have to take Chinese herbs?
You will not be required to take Chinese herbs or dietary supplements. Your practitioner may recommend that you take them because they can continue the effectiveness of the treatment outside of the treatment room. All Chinese herbs and dietary supplements that might be recommended are all sourced from the highest quality products and have science-based research to support their effectiveness.
Will insurance cover my acupuncture treatment?
At Empire Wellness Center, we do not accept insurance. Many PPO plans will provide a reimbursement in part or full to patients who are covered. It is always best to call your insurance provider and ask if they cover acupuncture treatments for your specific condition out of network. If they do, please ask your practitioner to provide you with a “Superbill” to submit for reimbursement.