Online Course, Community Support, and Diet Guide

Feel like yourself again as you navigate your diagnosis, learn how to heal, and get the answers and support you’re looking for.

You’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, now what?
You’ve had some time to wrap your head around this new reality, but you’re still feeling lost as to what comes next. Knowing the name of the thing that’s stolen your energy, your vibrance, and your body isn’t nearly the reassurance you were hoping for.
And I get it…a diagnosis just opens up a can of worms you never wanted. It doesn’t give you any answers. You hurt all the time, can’t stay awake, can’t get warm, and find yourself making mistakes at work because of the brain fog.

What you really crave is to have the energy to do the things you used to love to do, be more present with your kids, and reconnect with your husband. The best news? LIFE is possible with Hashimoto’s.
This is your step-by-step plan to regain your energy, heal yourself, and get into remission.
Imagine if...
Imagine if... 〰️
Imagine what it would be like if you…
Felt seen, heard, and validated in the issues you’re facing
Reduced your anxiety significantly
Could identify your food and chemical triggers and deal with them accordingly
Skip the Google searches and know where to turn for trustworthy info about your diagnosis
Feel happier again
Have more real energy (not the caffeinated kind)
Lose some (or a lot) of your stubborn weight
Enjoy the things you used to enjoy
Get your life back and feel like yourself again
The Hashimoto’s Recovery Blueprint was created for women just like you. We’d love to welcome you into this community!
Hello there, I’m Sharleen.
Although I don’t have Hashimoto’s, I’ve had my own autoimmune journey that has plagued me since childhood, but came to light after repeated miscarriages.
When I first discovered that I had an autoimmune disease (Lupus), I was frustrated and relieved all at the same time. My diagnosis came after multiple miscarriages and I was angry with my body for betraying me, but relieved that the miscarriages weren’t my fault, but an issue with my body that I couldn’t fix (not right away, anyway).
This explained my joint pain, fatigue, and weird muscle soreness. And now I had a place to start, so I eventually became hopeful.
I’ve worked with dozens of women who suffer from Hashimoto’s and the suffering can be optional.
I’ve taken my healing journey through autoimmunity and applied the same concepts to help my Hashimoto’s patients heal too.
After making the necessary lifestyle changes and years of trial and error, I can happily say that I feel amazing. I wake up with energy every day and no longer need to nap. My joints and muscles aren’t sore, and I easily maintain my ideal weight. I can exercise when I want, and run circles around people 10 years younger than me.
I first noticed how much better I was when I healed my gut and stopped looking 6 months pregnant by the end of each day. That was the first big win, and I barely recognize pictures of myself from before when my face was puffy even though I barely weighed 110 lbs.
I’ve tried so many things to get where I am today. Outside of my regular education to be a medical professional in alternative healing, I’ve taken over 100 hours of training in autoimmune nutritional support with extra training specific to Hashimoto’s.
I’ve tried every type of diet: Paleo, Keto, Carnivore, Vegan and have figured out what works and what to look out for when you’re navigating this arena.
I’ve read tons of books from top experts and taken the common threads between them all.
It has taken years to navigate all of this and figure out how to get well again after being accidentally “glutened,” and what to do when my chemical sensitivities change all of sudden after using the same products for years.
I’ve removed toxins, and upgraded my household and cleaning products.
Every trial, setback, and struggle was totally worth it! Let me help you skip the struggle and learn from my journey and what I’ve learned.
In the Hashimoto’s Recovery Blueprint, you have the option to work directly with me in an intimate setting with others just like you. This could be the missing piece for you.
What Others Have Said
The Hashimoto’s Recovery Blueprint:
A 5-module course, resources, and community to help you thrive.
Course: A 5-module course, video tutorials, and downloadable resources to help you thrive.
Invitation to Join Our Community: Access to our private, members-only Facebook group to ask questions, give advice, and share your wins with other students.
Autoimmune Diet Guide and Recipe Book: A guide of what to eat and what to avoid when you’re healing an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s PLUS 15 recipes to keep you on track.
Health Assessments: Three assessments to gauge where you’re at now and how far you’ve come during the Course PLUS five assessments to uncover the root trigger to your Hashimoto’s.
Add-On Option: VIP Support from Dr. Sharleen. Four action-packed LIVE coaching videos and Q&A Sessions via Zoom.

“This seems too good to be true. How will I know that it’s really working?”
You’ll know the material outlined in the course is helping you from a few different angles.
You’ll be taking assessments throughout the course to gauge how you’re feeling at the start and end of each module. This way, your subjective feelings will be quantitatively marked for comparison.
If you can or choose to run labs at the start and end of the course, we’ll also have quantitative data on your improvement.
The 5 Blueprint Modules

Now is the time to truly understand your diagnosis, trust your body again, and find the transformation you’re looking for.
You don’t need to read a bunch of books, try a million different things, and stay up late at night googling solutions to find the needle in the haystack of what works for you.
I’ve done all of the research for you and tested this method on dozens of my patients, so we know it works. I’ve got your back and can guide you on this journey.
This is your step-by-step plan to regain your energy, heal yourself, and get into remission! Including VIP Support from Dr. Sharleen.
This is your step-by-step plan to regain your energy, heal yourself, and get into remission!
Real Results from Real People

This course is designed to help you heal from Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism, and subclinical hypothyroidism. Regardless of your diagnosis, you’ll be a new person by the end of the program.
Yes, the concepts for healing any autoimmune disorder are built into this course. The first module goes over the science around thyroid health, and touches on autoimmunity in general.
Yes, I’ll give you options on how to get tests ordered from your doctor through your insurance as well as ways to order them if your doctors aren’t willing to cooperate.
Yes, there is a monthly payment option for the course and the VIP experience.
At this time we don’t have established connections with labs or supplement companies outside of the US. Please reach out to us via email and we can connect you with providers in your country to guide you on your journey.
Yes you can, and I’ll be clear that it is more difficult because this program is designed around a Paleo lifestyle and some recommended supplements contain animal products. Please notify our team immediately if you’re vegan or vegetarian so we can best guide you through this journey.
Let’s make a deal. I’m confident that you can achieve a massive transformation as long as you follow the steps outlined in this course. If you commit to making the necessary changes, follow all of my recommendations, and can prove to me that you’re worse off than when you started after 30 days, you’ll get 100% of your investment back. For more information please check out our terms and conditions here.
There is LIFE after a Hashimoto diagnosis.
The energy, vibrance, and lifestyle you’ve been missing for so long is right at your fingertips. With the support, education, and community inside Hashimoto’s Recovery Blueprint, you’ll find all you need and none of the fluff.
Why wait a second longer?
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