Episode 011: Love Yourself Holistically with Charleen Sanchez
Charleen is an Integrative Nutrition health coach and she approaches health in a holistic way. She helps stressed out nurses to live a more balanced lifestyle by focusing on their mindset and gut health.
She grew up in a large Filipino family where food has always been the center of every family gathering. As a child, she had an immense joy for food however, that relationship with food spiraled out of control in high school when she was made more aware of how food affected her body. She became obsessed with looking a certain way and food became the enemy.
She went through this stressful journey through college, through her 20’s, and throughout her nursing career. At that moment, she realized something was missing and she knew she wanted to share her passion for how she eventually overcame her own health struggles.
She learned to find joy in food again through being more aware of how food makes her feel in her gut in her mind. Through implementing self care practices and going to school of Integrative Nutrition to become a health coach, she now works with other nurses to help and guide them through the unfolding of their own wellness journey.
You can connect with her on Instagram: @coach_charleen and through email coachcharleen@gmail.com