Episode 008: Wellness Wisdom: Move
This week's Wellness Wisdom is all about MOVEMENT! Find some tips and tricks in this episode to add more, organic movement to your life, every day.
Episode 007: Maintaining Good Habits with Dr. Tony Ratkovic
Dr. Anthony Ratkovic is a Chiropractor, Business Owner, and Health Educator for 18 years.
His professional story began with him volunteering in an office during his first year of Chiropractic school where he eventually started working as an associate after becoming a Doctor of Chiropractic. After learning and gaining work experience at this office, he was able to purchase into a partnership at his present office where he has practiced since 2005. Since joining Euclid Chiropractic in 2005, he and his partner have experienced the trials and successes of running a private practice healthcare office. Having a mentor when he was first starting in the practice helped avoid the rookie mistakes as a doctor and business owner. Through the years, consistent staff has been a blessing because they help keep his office professional and personal. As a doctor he focuses on being with a patient to give them the healthcare they need. Showing empathy for a person’s condition means a lot, even if you can’t help a patient. This has helped build his practice from within through personal referrals. He has expanded the growth of his practice by using social media platforms, YELP, Google and service in the community through workshops and talks; however, word of mouth referrals have always been the key to his success.
Episode 006: Wellness Wisdom: Sleep
Learn a few tricks on how to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up every morning feeling refreshed!
Episode 005: Finding Awareness with Tyona Vallejo
Tyona Vallejo is a Life Coach & International Yoga Instructor. She shares her passion & expertise in wellness through her private Life Coaching program and her online Yoga classes.
She is committed to helping busy, exhausted women transform their lives through practices of self love & mindful healing to feel better.
Her one-on-one coaching and group yoga classes empower women to obtain greater awareness & create a positive impact over their mental & physical well-being.
You can find her at www.tyonavallejo.com or connect with her on social media at IG: https://www.instagram.com/tyonavallejo/ or FB at https://www.facebook.com/tyonavallejocoaching/
Episode 004: Wellness Wisdom: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
This is the first and (I think) the most important tenet of becoming and staying well. This is the first episode in a short series of simple changes you can make to live a more well balanced life.
Episode 003: We Are All Energy with Karen Tatone
Email Karen Tatone at newwavesholistic@gmail.com
Call or text Karen on her cell at 909-560-6108
Dr. Emoto’s water experiment https://thewellnessenterprise.com/emoto/
Episode 002: Stretching to Support Healthy Digestion
Use this simple, and quick stretch every day to support a healthy elimination system. Support digestion and your kidneys (plus reduce lower back pain) in just a few minutes each day.
Episode 001: Finding Balance with Karen Isbister
Follow Karen Isbister on Instagram @no-filter-fitness-reno
And visit her website at https://no-filter-fitness.com
Phocas dashboard on breast cancer stats https://tinyurl.com/y6kl2k7s