Episode 028: Wellness Wisdom - One Hormone that HAS to Work Right
Today we explore our Thyroid hormone and proper thyroid function. We dive deep into WHY you may have thyroid symptoms, but your doctor says everything is normal.
Episode 027: The Consistent Pursuit of Wellness with Dr. Jon Torrijos
Dr. Jon is a family wellness chiropractor and the owner of Abundant Life Chiropractic in Rancho Cucamonga. He specializes in prenatal and pediatric chiropractic care and has a passion for helping families become healthier and happier at every stage of life.
Here's how to connect with Dr. Jon:
Instagram @abundantliferc
Facebook @ranchocucamongachiropractor
Website www.ranchocucamongachiropractor.com
Episode 026: Finding Balance Between Mind & Body with Mary Beth Trama
Today’s guest is Rob Du Haime.
Rob is a Life & Performance Coach that specializes in overcoming limiting beliefs, habit change, stress management, and building positive mindset & confidence.
He has helped entrepreneurs & creators perform better in the spotlight, business owners take themselves and their team to the next level and everyday people take control of their lives and futures.
You can connect with Rob at robduhaime.com
Episode 025: Wellness Wisdom - How to Manage Mental Health Struggles Naturally
In this episode I open up about my own mental health struggles and the natural methods that have helped me find more balance mentally.
Episode 024: Finding Belief in Yourself with Rob Du Haime
Today’s guest is Rob Du Haime.
Rob is a Life & Performance Coach that specializes in overcoming limiting beliefs, habit change, stress management, and building positive mindset & confidence.
He has helped entrepreneurs & creators perform better in the spotlight, business owners take themselves and their team to the next level and everyday people take control of their lives and futures.
You can connect with Rob at robduhaime.com
Episode 023: Wellness Wisdom - The Secret to a Healthy Body
It's really not-so-secret! Listen in to learn WHAT is causing harm to your health and HOW to fix it.
Episode 022: Finding the Power of your Mind with Claudia Cordova
Claudia Cordova is the Founder of: Life’s Journey to Excellence and GTS Credit.
Claudia is a woman of Power and Excellence, a transformational Coach of Mind and Spirit with the following certifications:
Neuro Linguistics Programming Practitioner, Timeline Therapy Practitioner, Master Practitioner of Integrated Timeline Therapy, Advanced Ho’oponopono Practitioner and Reiki practitioner, along with 22 years of financial analytical background.
Claudia is a proud mother of 2 boys 12 and 11 years old, Jonah and Joshua, she is an Entrepreneur and Owner of 2 businesses for 22 years prior to becoming a Transformational Mind and Spirit Coach
She has assisted many families, teachers, students, parents and Individuals achieve their goals and work through their challenges for many years. She values Integrity and honesty in all she does whether it is in the financial, personal, or Mind and spirit arenas which at some point will all integrate into one.
There are many things we are taught in school except the essentials of life. The simple techniques that make the difference to direct our lives in the journey to our excellence and happiness or satisfaction. Knowing how to navigate our lives in a way where it feels smooth and simple. This is where she loves her work, her purpose to empower and share my knowledge in a way where it is simple and individuals can actually take advantage of their time and see the changes in their own lives and surroundings.
Claudia sent me her answer for her biggest indulgence: she loves reading books on self-improvement, psychology, and human behavior.
You can connect with Claudia at: lifesjourneytoexcellence@gmail.com or 626.824.5743 direct number
Episode 021: Wellness Wisdom - Let's Talk About Stress, Baby!
In this episode, we take a deep dive into what stress does to our bodies. How stress is beneficial vs. bad for us, and tips on how to reduce and even completely remove stress from our lives.
Useful links:
Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski
Episode 020: Finding Your Energy Again with Bridget Du Haime
Bridget Du Haime is a women's health coach specializing in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism. Having overcome debilitating symptoms of her own (such as: chronic fatigue, weight gain, depression, anxiety, brain fog, joint pain and gut issues), Bridget has developed a passion for providing other women with the tools needed to promote healing and wellness in their own lives. Bridget is a mom who works from home, providing support and guidance to her clients as they make simple and holistic lifestyle changes with the goal of reducing and reversing symptoms caused by thyroid and autoimmune disease. Today, Bridget offers Private Individualized 1-on-1 Coaching Services, a 6 Week Group Coaching Course on Fatigue and a free online Facebook Support Group for Women diagnosed with Hashimoto's & Hypothyroidism.
Personal Facebook Profile:
Link to Join my Private Facebook Support Group for Women with Hashimoto's & Hypothyroidism:
https://instagram.com/bridgetduhaime or @Bridget Du Haime
Episode 019: Wellness Wisdom - How to Reprogram your Subconscious
In this episode, I break down the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy. I also introduce a new concept: the HypnoPuncture Method.
Take a journey with me to the depths of your subconscious to reprogram your brain's operating symptom to achieve MORE wellness in your life.
Episode 018: When Life Hands You Lemons with Hal Hargrave
Hal Hargrave Jr was injured in an auto accident on July 26, 2007, which left him paralyzed from the neck down making him a quadriplegic. Hal Junior spent over 70 days in acute care and rehabilitation hospitals. The doctors said there was only a 1-3% chance that he could walk again. Despite this news, Hal’s emotional and mental outlook was strong. This was due to one single line of thinking Hal carried with him that made the future feel brighter – he could still “be perfect”. Inspired by the movie Friday Night Lights, the idea was that if you could look the people you love in the eye and tell them that you did absolutely everything you could – gave every ounce you had – then it didn’t matter whether you won or lost. Hal realized that he could “Be Perfect” whether or not he ever walked another day in his life. In Hal's terms: Be Perfect meant getting the most out of himself each and every day. The Be Perfect Foundation has remained Hal's passion ever since the idea came about in 2007. As a founding member of The Be Perfect Foundation, Hal wakes up every day with an intent to make a difference in the field of paralysis recovery. Hal Jr's day-to-day involvement with the foundation resides in decision-making, community relations, client outreach, event coordinating and planning, and marketing. Additionally, Hal Hargrave is the owner and founder of The Perfect Step (a center for paralysis recovery) also called “TPS”, and presently serves a role as the Facilities Manager (overseeing a staff of 20) as well as the Educational and Marketing Director at their location in Pomona, CA. “The Perfect Step is one that is taken by the individual who is suffering. It is deemed the perfect step because it is one that is taken in the right direction down a path that might seem long and grueling, but the only thing that matters is that, that individual is moving forward and not stopping.” Hal hopes that they are able to take The Perfect Step nationwide and provide services of paralysis recovery to every major region of the United States. What started as a tragic accident has turned into one of the greatest blessings of all. It’s The Perfect Step in the right direction. In Hal’s own words: “When my accident happened, I quickly recognized that my accident affected not just me, but my entire family and those around me. Fortunately, I have an incredible family with a wife, parents, brothers and sisters and extended family who have never left my side. Additionally, the community has rallied around them and when some steped away, others stepped up. The Be Perfect Foundation and The Perfect Step have been the biggest blessings (aside from god, my injury, my wife and my family) that has ever happened to me. It has given me newfound perspective, newfound purpose, and a reason to get up every morning and be proud of who I am and what I'm doing. However, I understand that the only way that this is possible is through a supportive family, a supportive community, support of donors, support of board members and volunteers, and namely grateful individuals who the foundation supports. The unfortunate part in all of this is knowing that people continue to have terrible diagnosis, terrible injuries and terrible stories to tell. However, the fortunate part is knowing that the foundation is there to make a difference. I know that I'm nothing without each and every one of you, our supporters and donors. I owe it all to them.”
You can connect with Hal at The Perfect Step theperfectstep.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_perfectstep/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theperfectstep
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-perfect-step/?viewAsMember=true Or the Be Perfect Foundation beperfectfoundation.org Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/be_perfect_foundation/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beperfectfoundation
Episode 017: Finding Love During Cancer and Covid with Karen Isbister
I’m excited to start the new year with a follow-up episode with Karen Isbister. Karen’s first episode is the #1 listened to episode of the podcast, so I’ve brought her back to have a deeper conversation about the little know parts of the rollercoaster of Cancer treatment. We talk about chemo-brain, disease prevention, having babies, and finding love in the middle of a cancer diagnosis…in the middle of covid.
If you haven’t heard part 1 of Karen’s story, be sure to check out episode #1 and grab a box of tissue if you’re sentimental like me and cry at Hallmark commercials.
I’m honored to announce that mere days before this episode aired, Karen received the results from her doctor that she is cancer-free. I know that 2021 is going to be a better year for Karen and I’m excited to hear your feedback about how her journey has inspired you to shift your mindset and how we can all work together to heal our 2020 trauma and move into a NEW BETTER 2021.
To follow along with more of Karen’s journey, you can visit her website at no-filter-fitness.com or follow her on Instagram @no_filter_fitness_reno
Episode 016: Wellness Wisdom - Hey! Thanks, Coronavirus
Let's take a look at the dumpster fire of 2020 and find the good that happened and our opportunities for personal improvement. Once we have a chance to reflect, we can take action on setting SMART goals for improving our wellness in 2021.
I'd love for you to join me on a wellness reset. Let's work together on getting better sleep, having more energy, and fitting a little bit better in those skinny jeans.
Want to learn more about the reset? Make a FREE, 30-minute assessment call with me here, or check out the reset products here.
Episode 015: Accelerating your Wellness with Krista Crotty
As the “Business Crew Chief”, Krista Crotty combines her formal training in mechanical engineering and production/operations management, with over 25 years of motorsports experience, to help business owners better understand the operational flow of business and how constant change is an opportunity. Just as a lap on the race track is the same, yet different each time it is taken, so is the day to day life of an entrepreneur and business owner.
From her corporate experience, Krista understands first-hand the business world and the evolution phases of an entrepreneur. Throughout her life, she has used her determination, perseverance and understanding to help people grow and evolve both personally and professionally. Successes (and failures) in business and motorsports helped expose her strengths (and weaknesses), thus allowing Krista to evolve and learn along the way. One of her truest passions is helping business owners and entrepreneurs find their passion and turn it into profits. She looks forward to connecting and helping accelerate success.
V/T - 702.677.6923
Virtual quick connect - vbs-connect.com
Open Networker via LI: LinkedIn.com/in/KristaCrotty
LinkedIn Business Page: LinkedIn.com/company/VBStrategists
FB Biz: @VBStrategists
NEW!!! YouTube: VBStrategists
Depression Free for Life
Molecules of Emotion
Live a Life Worth Loving
12-Week Year
The Artist’s Way
Episode 014: 12 Things That Make My Life Better
In honor of the Christmas season, I discuss 12 things that have made my life better over the years.
To discuss further with me and learn how to make some of these shifts for your life, schedule a FREE, 30-minute assessment with me at www.empirewellnesscenter.com/podcast.
Episode 013: Finding Peace with your Body with Elizabeth Bell
On today's episode with special guest, Elizabeth Bell, we talk about how Elizabeth overcame a 20-year-long, childhood kidney disease. How she got off of 21 medications per day, and suffered TWO heart attacks by the time she was barely old enough to drink alcohol. Elizabeth has overcome some of life's most challenging medical issues by making one simple switch: the water she was drinking.
7 years ago she discovered an medical-grade, Alkaline water and started drinking it. After 3 months of drinking this really healthy water her health was transformed.
In todays episode we go into the challenges she had growing up with her disease and what happened to her health after she changed her water.
Instagram: Elizabeth.G.Bell
Facebook: Elizabeth Bell
Website for more information : Enagic.com *If you would like to purchase a machine, you'll need to connect with Elizabeth first on Insta or FB*
Episode 012: Book Breakdown: How To Be Well
In this Book Breakdown, I condense the 6 sections of How To Be Well by Frank Lipman in reverse order.
This episode pairs nicely with my own suggestions on how to be well in episodes 4, 6, 8, and 10.
To learn more about the book, please support the author here: https://tinyurl.com/y43n482c
To listen to my Wellness Wisdom episodes, follow this link: https://www.empirewellnesscenter.com/podcast
Episode 011: Love Yourself Holistically with Charleen Sanchez
Charleen is an Integrative Nutrition health coach and she approaches health in a holistic way. She helps stressed out nurses to live a more balanced lifestyle by focusing on their mindset and gut health.
She grew up in a large Filipino family where food has always been the center of every family gathering. As a child, she had an immense joy for food however, that relationship with food spiraled out of control in high school when she was made more aware of how food affected her body. She became obsessed with looking a certain way and food became the enemy.
She went through this stressful journey through college, through her 20’s, and throughout her nursing career. At that moment, she realized something was missing and she knew she wanted to share her passion for how she eventually overcame her own health struggles.
She learned to find joy in food again through being more aware of how food makes her feel in her gut in her mind. Through implementing self care practices and going to school of Integrative Nutrition to become a health coach, she now works with other nurses to help and guide them through the unfolding of their own wellness journey.
You can connect with her on Instagram: @coach_charleen and through email coachcharleen@gmail.com
Episode 010: Wellness Wisdom - What Are You Feeding Your Mind?
In this 4th and final tenet of how to be well, we look at some tips and tricks on how to feed your mind to have a more positive mindset.
Episode 009: Finding Harmony with Ana Robles
Ana Robles is the founder and CEO of Yo Soy Amazing, a Designer of Success in Business. She helps transform the lives of her clients by bringing clarity, overcoming limitations, removing what does not serve them to be able to design the success they desire in business and in life.
Contact Ana in the following ways: